Essays · Strangers

Debating Health Care for a Few Hundred Million People

Others have written much about the current U.S. health care debate, but today I wanted to spend some time discussing it as well, with the special focus that this site brings: people acting like jerks about something. In this case, about health care access. The U.S. system is definitely broken. It doesn’t work well for… Continue reading Debating Health Care for a Few Hundred Million People

Advice · Friendship

Your Friend Is Choosing To Not Vaccinate Her Child

Recently, a friend revealed that she had chosen not to get her youngest child vaccinated. She brought it up herself in conversation and claimed that she was exploring “more natural approaches to parenting.” I think this is flagrantly ignorant garbage that is dangerous and selfish. As I was flabbergasted at the time, I let it… Continue reading Your Friend Is Choosing To Not Vaccinate Her Child